Friday, August 20, 2010

Applying a New Look

How hard is it for you to decide what color to paint your walls?  For me, it's an awful decision.  One part of me wants a calm neutral color that portrays timeless fashion.  Another me wants something bold. (Yes, there is a bolder side of me hidden somewhere in the recesses of my personality.)  I was watching an episode of "Design Star" the other night and one of the contestants commented on how we should look to our clothing choices to choose how we design our living spaces.  I wear solids-black, brown, white with a little pop of color.  Hmmmm.    So, given my clothing choices, it looks like my choice should be the neutral with a pop of color added in the assessories.  But even then there are a multitude of choices.  Do I go with a gray tone or brown tone, maybe a cream?  Just when I think I am certain, I find myself looking again.  Questioning my decision.  Afterall, I will be looking at it for another 10 to 15 years. Whatever my decision, it has to be made within 2 days.  Yes, you heard me right.  I'm down to the wire.   I wonder how many others suffer from the same uncertainity as I? 

 But really that's not truly the hardest part.  You know what I'm talking about.  Yes, the getting everything moved away from the walls and out from under the furniture.  We never realize just how much "stuff" we have until we have to move it.  I've lived in this house for 22 years.  And I am in the truest sense a "kindergarten teacher" (That's the kind way of saying I save way too many useless objects that I "might" find useful later.)  My daughter is an artist and amazingly does not have that "kindergarten teacher" mentality.  Being an artist I thought she might, but she has that type A neat streak personality.  And I love her for it!  You see, she comes home and rescues her mother by cleaning out the closets and reorganizing my life every year or so.  She also gave her opinion on paint color--go neutral and add personality and color with assessories. 

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